We are aware that a number of customers coming towards the end of their current deferment period have experienced a delay in receiving their Deferment Application Form (DAF) – these have now been issued.
We are aware that a number of customers coming towards the end of their current deferment period have experienced a delay in receiving their Deferment Application Form (DAF).
These are normally sent out eight weeks before a customer's current deferment period is due to finish. These forms are sent out in batches and unfortunately some of these were delayed in sending. These have now been distributed and customers should have still received them in plenty of time to allow for completion and return before the end of their current deferment period.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you think you may have been impacted by this delay and believe you might not be able to return your form before the end of your deferment period, please get in touch by calling 0333 003 7188 and we will be able to assist.